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Holden Astra
Holden Astra TS (9/98 - 04)
Loss of Power Steering
This model Astra has an electric Power Steering Pump, instead of the more common crank / belt driven pumps as found on 90% of other vehicles.
As this vehicle gets older we have found that the vehicle can lose Power Steering. This is sometimes due to, believe it or not a faulty Alternator or a faulty battery.
Astra Electric Power Steering Pump
The result of this is that if either the alternator or battery is faulty the electrical system voltage drops and the vehicles ECU (Engine Control Unit) sensors the low voltage.
If this happens the ECU shuts down the Electric Power Steering Pump to protect the pump from damage, with the Power Steering Pump switched off the Steering will be very heavy i.e. loss of Power Steering.
To fix this issue the faulty alternator or battery must be checked and or replaced, and the system checked for correct function.
In some applications the electric Power Steering Pump will need to be replaced with an original Holden Power Steering Pump.
If the symptoms persists Ultimate Power Steering recommend’s that the power steering system is inspected by your mechanic or arrange for us to inspect it, to see if there is any other problems could be the cause of the issue.
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