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To help us maintain the “Ultimate” in performance and quality of our steering units, we support our customers participating in different forms of motorsport.
We believe that if our Steering Units can perform and excel in the harsh and very demanding forms of motorsport then all our customers can benefit, because the things we learn from our steering units used in motorsport we can implement into our everyday steering units.
Ultimate Power Steering and Manual Steering units are used in:
Off Road
Photo above – Laurence Svenson and his Buggy is running a Hi-flow Power Steering Pump. This Pump has been modified to achieve high flow that is required for this form of motorsport.
Photo above – Warwick Hutchinson’s – Rotary Hillclimb Racing Car RPV03 is a Formula Libre Hillclimb Special. The manual steering rack in this car has been highly modified for this class of racing. This vehicle has been built by Ultimate Power Steering just for Hillclimbing. CLICK HERE to visit to see how this car is going at different Hillclimb tracks in Queensland.
Circuit Racing / Sprint Racing
Photo above – Ford Escort Mk1 2.0Lt Sports Sedan. This Sport Sedan has a manual steering rack modified to fit the chassis and other various parts modified for this form of motorsport. The manual steering rack and parts have been modified by Ultimate Power Steering.
Photo above – Mazda RX7 Sports Sedan. Ultimate Power Steering has rebuilt the manual steering box, we have also machined and modified various parts on this vehicle.
Photo above – Ford GT Falcon V8 Club Car – Ultimate Power Steering has converted the original Power Steering Pump to one of our Saginaw Power Steering Pump conversions. We did this because the original Ford Pump was very noisy and it could not keep the steering system functioning correctly.
Photo above – Ken Samway’s – Formula Stock rod No 21. Ken’s Stock Rod is running another Ultimate Power Steering Hi-flow Power Steering Pump. This Pump has been modified to achieve the high flow that is required for the quick change in steering direction required for speedway. Ken is also running an Ultimate Power Steering Modifyed Power Steering Box. Congratulations go to Ken as he is now the 2010 Australian Speedway Champion for Formula Stock Rod.
Photo above – AMCAR has a high flow Power Steering Pump along with a Power Steering Box that also has been modified by Ultimate Power Steering, to make the steering effort lighter to allow Andrew to steer the car easier to help with the quick change in steering direction required for speedway.
It is through this exposure to different forms of motorsport that helps us give our customers more reliable Power and Manual Steering Units.
Contact us to see if we can help you with your Motorsport Steering needs (07) 3889 7077